
Getting Involved

CAASFEP Colleagues,

The CAASFEP Board Nominations Committee would like to know of your interest in serving either as an elected board member or through an appointed committee position. We look forward to bringing new CAASFEP board members aboard who are willing to contribute their experience, insights, and expertise on state and federal programs, as well as supporting other state and federal program directors across California. Each of us, who’ve had the opportunity to serve CAASFEP, has richly grown professionally through our relationships and greater involvement.

For elected positions on the Board, we typically commence the two-year term at our annual professional development institute. The elected board positions are:

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Past President Elect/Bylaws Chairperson

Other CAASFEP Committees led by nominated members to the Board include:

  • Communications Chairperson
  • Membership Chairperson
  • Scholarship Committee Chairperson
  • Professional Development Chairperson
  • Online Professional Development Chairperson
  • State Legislative Updates Chairperson
  • Sunshine Chairperson

We hope you strongly consider serving our peers through your CAASFEP involvement. Please let me know of your interest to serve via email. Please include your name, district, district position, email and phone number.

We appreciate your commitment and eagerness to serve our colleagues in the field through a CAASFEP position.

Andrea Perez, CAASFEP President/NAFEPA Representative