The California Association of Administrators of State and Federal Education Programs (CAASFEP) is a professional organization serving State and Federal Program Directors and others in the implementation of federal and state programs. CAASFEP is a state affiliate of the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators (NAFEPA).
Our Mission
CAASFEP supports equitable education for all children. We advocate for programs that provide real results for those students most in need. We offer information and education for professionals accountable for compensatory education programs so they can create the best possible learning program for every child.
Benefits of CAASFEP Membership
- Monthly meeting at California Department of Education (CDE)
- Collaboratively developed agenda
- Voice on key issues/topics
- Networking opportunities
- Technical assistance
- Access to CAASFEP website
- Meeting highlights – emailed monthly
- Access to Federal resources
- Access to State resources
- LCAP updates
- Topical and relevant work
- List of members
- Representation to National Association of Federal Education Programs (NAFEPA)
- Discounted NAFEPA rate/benefits
- Federal representation to key issues
- Student scholarship – input and selection participation
- Regional workshop opportunities
- Annual Conference
- Professional development opportunities